... ...
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ $ ip addr add fe80::<some_random_suffix>/64 dev <interface_name>
45 45
$ ip addr add 172.xx.xx.xx/32 peer 172.xx.xx.xx/32 dev <interface_name>
46 46
$ ip link set <interface_name> up
47 47
-Mic92 uses this [script]( to automate this.
50 49
Nurtic-Vibe has another [script]( to interactively automate the peering process.
51 50
52 51
Maybe you should check the MTU to your peer with e.g. `ping -s 1472 <end_point_hostname_or_ip>`. If your output looks like `From gateway.local ( icmp_seq=1 Frag needed and DF set (mtu = 1440)` substract `80` from the MTU and set it via `ip link set dev <interface_name> mtu <calculated_mtu>`